Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Do You Have An IT???


1 comment:

  1. I can so relate to what James and Frank are saying. I had no idea that they were going to refer to some of my comments so let me give you a little background.

    I have been outside the walls of traditional Christianity for some 40 years after leaving the Anglican church that I had been treasurer of for 8 years. Some years later I became a member of a Sabbath keeping church that has in the past not unreasonably been described as both a cult and a sect. It was in 1995 that that church announced that much of its theology was misguided. This resulted in a very traumatic experience and effectively broke up a family of 14 (related by marriage). The end result was that it forced me for the second time to reconsider just about everything I had ever been taught. My wife and I were the only 2 members of the family to continue to attend.

    By 2003 I had become aware of the emerging / emergent / house church movements and what was then being referred to as "out of church Christians".

    A major turning point was reading "The Shack" when it was first published in the summer of 2007 (just 11,000 copies) - that's a long story - let's just say that I have had the privilege of spending a couple of weekends with the publisher when he has been in the UK.

    I was still attending church on a Saturday but I was feeling more and more unsettled but my wife doesn't drive. Finally in the summer of 2009 I decided that I couldn't continue to attend (although I still take my wife).

    It has been a lonely journey at times - especially after the pastor took a dislike to "The Shack" despite the fact that the denomination still have three interviews with the author on their site!

    James referred to sometimes wondering if he was going in the right way and being put in touch with another brother.

    I'm not a preacher or a teacher - I've never had a leadership position within a church - I seem to have a role of asking the awkward questions to which there are no easy answers - encouraging people to THINK for THEMSELVES - as I have been led to do for so many years.

    Is it just a coincidence that I created a new Note on Facebook yesterday - see - maybe you will see it as the hand of a loving Father!

    Pete (Peter Stanley on FB)


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